English Chess Federation British Team Chess Challenge 2025 Years 7-13
and Junior Team Chess Challenge (years 7 & 8)
and (new for 2025) Primary Team Chess Challenge (up to Year 6)
Torquay Boys’ Grammar School, Shiphay Manor Drive, Torquay Devon TQ2 7EL
Team tournaments for primary & secondary schools – all standards welcome
to be held at Torquay Boys’ Grammar School, Shiphay Manor Drive, Torquay Devon TQ2 7EL on Friday 14th February 2025 2-5pm
Thursday 9th January 2025
Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to enter a team or teams into these competitions, which form part of the English Chess Federation’s initiative aimed at stimulating chess in schools.
The purpose of the competitions is above all participation rather than winning and, although the winners of these events have the opportunity to compete in the national finals, the emphasis is very much on taking part and enjoying the experience of competitive chess. The event attracts teams of players of all abilities and all are welcome.
In both competitions teams will consist of four players. In the British Team Challenge players can be pupils in any year from 7-13. In the Junior Team challenge pupils should be in years 7 and 8, and in the Primary Team Challenge in year 6 or below. In each competition there will be four rounds. The event will last about 2½ hours and will conclude with a prizegiving. Chess clocks will be used in all matches and the rate of play will be 10 minutes plus 5 seconds per move – players unfamiliar with the use of clocks will be shown how to use them. Schools are welcome to enter up to two teams in each competition. The players in the teams should be arranged in descending order of strength. Further details (directions etc.) will be sent to participating schools a week or so before the event. As this is not graded team sheets do not need to be given in advance. We are making a small charge to cover the costs of medals and certificates, arbiter’s expenses etc. of £6 per team payable on the day please – we can take card payments or cash and receipts will be given so fees can be claimed back.
If you would like your school to take part in this event please complete and return the entry form attached to this letter by e mail to me at tonions@tbgs.torbay.sch.uk Entries please by Friday 8th February, but obviously it is helpful to receive entries as early as possible. If you think you might be interested but have some questions please contact me by e mail.
We do hope that your school will enter teams into this very worthwhile competition and that it will help to encourage chess in your school.
Yours sincerely
Tim Onions
I/C Chess, TBGS
Entry Form
We would like to enter the South-West Regional Finals of the ECF Team Chess Challenges to be held at Torquay Boys’ G.S. on Friday 14th February 2025.
Name of School:
British Team Chess Challenge (years 6-13) Number of teams:
Junior Team Chess Challenge (years 7 & 8) Number of teams:
Primary Team Chess Challenge (up to year6) Number of Teams:
Staff Member in charge:
Contact details:
E mail:
Please return to:
Tim Onions e mail: tonions 'at' tbgs.torbay.sch.uk