Devon Juniors in the mix

DrDave's picture

Some excellent performances from Devon Juniors in the 56th Torbay Congress (Hope I haven't missed anyone!):

Open section: Caleb Caleshu 3½/5 and shared 3rd place, half a point behind the winner

Major: Jack Wills 2½/5

Intermediate: Mac Holland 4/5 shared 2nd place on tie-break; Suhayl Abdalla 3½/5; Jamie Glasson 2½/5; Shreyas Pasupalety 2/5

Foundation: Ronit Randhawa 4/5 3rd place on tie-break; Joe Forty 3½/5 5th; Rhys Hammond 1½/5

Ex-juniors Nathan Mills and Ben Sturt also featured in the lists