The Devon U14 Team does battle each year against other teams from the West of England and South Wales. I have been providing a bit of feedback on their games over the while, and the collected comments are below. They're a sort of battle manual for junior chess, and I hope everyone will find something to help their chess here. There is a list of topics underneath and a list of tips at the back of most booklets. If you read a tip and don't understand it, look up the position in the booklet. Any questions? Drop me a line.
u14_2025.pdf U14/U18 Jamboree games with comments 2025 [GAMES] [Games on Lichess]
- Opening advice
- Specific openings
- A bit about Hypermodern openings
- Health Warning: here be dragons
- Facing Hypermodern openings as Black
- Middlegame advice
- Get your eye in for tactics
- Blunder-proofing
- Energy.
- Key pawn formations
- Endgame advice,
u14_2024.pdf U14/U18 Jamboree games with comments 2024 [GAMES]
- General opening advice:
- Knights before Bishops,
- Good development once started must be completed,
- Finish devlopment bvefore attacking,
- Your Rooks need an open file (or a half-open one)
- Choosing easier openings
- Natural developing moves aren’t good enough
- The slow system against the Two Knights
- Blunder-proofing
- How does this help? (Who does this help?)
- Natural vs accurate moves
- Energy
- Pawn weaknesses
- Bishops and Pawns
- King and Pawn endgames (again(
- Fortresses
u14_2023.pdf U14/U18 Jamboree games with comments 2023 [GAMES]
- A. Challenge the centre and open a file
- B. Avoid Dreadful little Rook’s Pawn moves (DLRPMs)
- C. An opening is only as good as the ideas you bring to it.
- D. Get your eye in for tactics
- E. Eliminate blunders
- F. Energy
- G. Know the swapping rules
- H. Prefer Bishops to Knights
- I. Castling in the endgame (don't)
- J. Avoid being left with just your King if you stand worse
u14_2020.pdf U14/U18 Jamboree games with comments 2020 [GAMES]
- A. Playing against 'dodgy' openings
- B. Practice tactics
- C. Leap in the dark
- D. Take threats seriously
- E. Playing safe is dangerous
- F. Isolated Queen's Pawns
- G. Know the swapping rules
u14_2019.pdf U14/U18 Jamboree games with comments 2019
- A. Steinitz’ Law & Dr.Dave’s advice
- B. Practise your disco moves
- C. Country moves
- D. Endgames to watch
- E. Good and bad traps
- F. An exchange is probably better for somebody
- G. Play proper openings (not Old Stodge)
u14_2018.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2016
- A. Don't make any silly mistakes
- B. Play proper Openings
- C. Be careful about swaps!
- D. Chess is a team game
- E. Endgames worth looking at
- F. Resigning
u14_2017.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2016
- Silly mistakes
- Proper openings
- Old Stodge, Two Knights
- Writing down moves
u14_2016.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2016
- Swapping
- Attack and defence
- King and pawn endgames
- Sit on your hands
- Proper openings
u14_2015.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2015
- Blunders
- Attacking
- Being pushy
- Ruy Lopez, French Exchange, Two Knights, Philidor
u14_2014.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2014
- Chess and mistakes
- Pawns and planning - Isolated Queen's Pawns
- The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
u14_2013.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2013
- Openings: Colle, Scandinavian, Danish, Hypermodern, QG Accepted&Slav
- Blunder-proofing your game
- Stop trying to win, and win!
- Playing for traps
u14_2012.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2012
- Openings: Bishop's Opening, and the Caro-Kann and King's Indian defences
- A basic opening repertoire
- Listen to the pawns
- Opposite-coloured Bishops
u14_2011.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2011
With guest appearance from Devon's top player Dominic Mackle!
- Openings: Petroff and Philidor Defences (and another rant about Old Stodge)
- A basic opening repertoire
- Spotting tactics
u14_20043.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2004
- Openings: Old Stodge [Giuoco Pianissimo], Sicilian Defence, French Defence, Queen's Gambit, Queen's Pawn Game without c4, King's Gambit, Scotch Game and Gambit
- Clockwork attacks, Pawns, What to swap
u14_2005b.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2005
- Openings: Two Knights', French Defence, Scotch Game, Queen's Game and Gambit, King's Gambit, Sicilian Defence, Old Stodge
- Blunder-proofing, Endgames
u14_2006.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2006
- Openings: Time-wasting, Italian Game&Old Stodge, French Defence, Queen's Gambit Declined
- Planning, Tactics
u14_2007.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2007
- Openings: General Opening Principles, Ruy Lopez
- Swapping, Basic Tactics&Nets, Endgame passed pawns
u14_2008.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2008
- Openings: Queen's Gambit, French Defence, Sicilian, Four Knights, Stonewall
- Swapping off in the endgame, Choosing a move, Tactics: discoveries, Queen sacrifices, Playing with a plan
u14_2009.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2009
- Openings: General Principles, Old Stodge, Italian Game, Sicilian, Queen's Gambit, Ruy Lopez, Scandinavian Defence,
- Tactics Advice, Strategy Advice, Thinking, Self-analysis
u14_2010.pdf U14 Jamboree games with comments 2010
- Openings: Old Stodge&London System, Double King-Pawn Opening, Semi-Open Games, Queen's Gambit, Unusual Openings
- Blunders, Tactics exercises, Strategy Advice
- Endgames: win when you're winning, Endgame theory