Rules for attacking
- Attack as a team (no lone heroes!)
- Attack when you're ready:
- developed all your pieces (or most of your pieces, or more pieces than your opponent)
- have you connected your Rooks?
- your King is safe (or safe enough)
- you have an advantage:
- ahead in development
- more space (or more space on one side)
- more pieces near the target
- developed all your pieces (or most of your pieces, or more pieces than your opponent)
- Attack by:
- getting near the target
- opening lines
- keep pieces on (but swap off important defenders)
- pieces are fastest when you want to attack...
- ...but pawns are most forcing (chase away defenders)
- use pawns to open lines
- Attacking the King stuck in the middle:
- Keep them there if you can
- Bring your Rooks to the centre
- Open lines to get to the King
- Attacking the castled King
- bring pieces over to the King's-side
- pick on weaknesses/holes
- open lines (use pawn levers)
- make weaknesses and holes if there aren't any yet!
- Attacking with a closed centre
- You can take your time moving pieces over
- Very Slow King's Side Attack
- If you're winning and can't see an easy checkmate
- Swap off pieces (not pawns) and win without risk