For players and parents
1. Find the Lichess website
2. Click on the [SIGN IN] link top right
3. Instead of signing in, click on Register (bottom left)
4. Register your name, password and email address
5. Agree you will be nice :)
6. Players and especially parents:
Once you have signed up and signed in, you can set Kid Mode
So your child logs in using the account password, but can't chat unless they unset Kid Mode with the Kid Mode password.
Kid Mode means no free chat, but you still have buttons to send a message at the start and end of games:
[ HI ] [ GL ] [ HF ] [ U2 ]
HI = hello
GL = good luck
HF = have fun
U2 = you too
[ GG ] [ WP ] [ TY ] [ GTG ] [ BYE ]
GG = good game
WP = well played
TY = thank you
GTG = got to go
BYE = goodbye