TBGS Invitational Training Evening

Julian Bacon Surviving the Opening


Wednesday, November 27, 2019 - 17:30




Surviving the Opening


  1. Questions for the Audience
  2. What are the openings?
    1. “workshop”
  3. The World Championships
    1. What do they tell us?
    2. How can I learn from this?
  4. Summary
    1. Being prepared
    2. How to prepare
    3. Questions

Surviving the Opening

What does that mean?

Getting to the “middle game”

In a position I like, and understand, with a plan, and pieces in the right places ready for action.

This should reduce the chance of a blunder by me!

It will need preparation!

Questions for the Audience

  1. How many openings are there?
  2. What do I like to play?
    1. As White?
    2. As Black?
  3. Why?
  4. Are there openings that scare me?
  5. How would I describe the openings I play?
    1. Safe?
    2. Gambit?
    3. Tactical
    4. Positional
    5. Other words?
  6. Do I know the “book” moves for my openings?
    1. What are its goals/ideas?
    2. “strengths” and “weaknesses”
    3. Where should I put my pieces?
    4. Have I played through “grandmaster games” of the openings I use?
  7. Do I have a plan for all/most responses?
  8. Have I written it down?

What are the openings?

Let’s categorise them

And make sure that we have a plan to deal with surprises!

Or maybe have surprises for our opponents!


Evans Gambit

Danish Gambit

Categorise the openings that matter to you – know their names – and how they work

Dangerous – Safe?

Strategic – Tactical?

Traps and Surprises?


Make sure that I know which ones can affect me

Who is World Champion? What’s his grade?

The World Championships

9-28th November 2018

12 games all draws and 3 play off games

< >Sicilian Rossolimo

Queen’s Gambit Declined Bf4

Sicilian Rossolimo


Sicilian Rossolimo


Queen’s Gambit Declined Bf4

Sicilian Sveshnikov


Sicilian Sveshnikov


Sicilian Sveshnikov


Sicilian Sveshnikov

Sicilian Kan

Some conclusions?

Contest focused on a few openings

Safe secure mainstream

An example:

What’s the Rossolimo about?

Double Black’s pawns,  and a solid centre

Aim for an attack on the King/f4


Opening few moves:


Ruy Lopez Berlin


Queen’s Indian


Caro Kann

Sicilian Sveshnikov

Sicilian Rossolimo


Previous events


2013 versus Anand

< >Reti (Nf3, g3, Bg2, d4, 0-0, b3,Bb2, c4)
Caro Kann
Ruy Lopez Berlin
Ruy Lopez Berlin
Ruy Lopez Berlin
Ruy Lopez Berlin
Nimzo Indian
Sicilian Moscow
Ruy Lopez Berlin
Sicilian KIA
Queen’s Indian
Sicilian Kan
Ruy Lopez Berlin
Ruy Lopez Berlin
Ruy Lopez Berlin


2016 versus Karjakin

< >Trompowsky Attack
Ruy Lopez   (not Berlin)
Ruy Lopez Berlin
Ruy Lopez (not Berlin)
Giuoco Piano
Ruy Lopez (not Berlin)
Ruy Lopez (not Berlin)
Ruy Lopez (Berlin)

Being Prepared for a match/game

Do I know what my opponent plays?


Can I use an opening I know and understand?

As White?

As Black?

General rules:

< >Develop pieces
Move pieces once towards centre
Have a plan!
If in unknown situation take care of pieces, watch the captures and checks

Summary - How to Prepare

Start simple!

Choose an opening that I am interested in understanding and using

That will occur frequently is most useful

Look at a book about the opening

Look at some games by one player (ideally)

Try to understand the themes – where the pieces go – and what they do

< >Are they exchanged?
Do we try to keep them?

Try to understand the Pawn Structure

Do I still like the opening?

Try to play blitz games using the opening

Repeat lines - it may be that after reviewing you discard!!


PAST Training events (click for notes)

DJCA squad training event SUN 19th Nov 2023

A day for the Devon County Team squads U11 U14 U18


Sunday, November 19, 2023 - 10:00
U18/U14 training event Sat 3rd June 2023

A day for the Devon County Team squads U9 U11 U14 U18


Saturday, June 3, 2023 - 10:00
DJCA U18 Training Tournament 2021

Open to all players 13+ but will suit stronger players.

Invitation spots for strong U13 players.

All games to be played on Lichess

Players will receive coaching notes from the games


Saturday, February 20, 2021 - 09:30
TBGS Invitational Training Evening

Nick Butland Championship Analysis

Monday, December 9, 2019 - 17:30
TBGS Invitational Training Evening

Julian Bacon Surviving the Opening

Wednesday, November 27, 2019 - 17:30
TBGS Invitational Training Evening

Dave Regis on Endgames

Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 17:30
TBGS Invitational Training Evening

Trefor Thynne Master Commentary

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 - 17:30
DJCA Invitational Team Training Evening Thursday, January 9, 2020 - 17:30
DJCA Training Day

DJCA squad training day

Saturday, November 16, 2019 - 10:00
DJCA Junior Squad Training INVITATION ONLY

Squad members will receive an invitation by email. If you think you have been forgotten, please contact us.

This is for all players in the squad, not just those in the team selected for the South Wales & West of England Jamboree on Saturday 13th January, for which invitations have not yet been made.

  • Players to arrive for 0945, please.

Saturday, November 18, 2017 - 10:00