EPSCA rules 2019

EPSCA tournament rules 2019

And guidance for no-increment events

TBGS Endgame resource

"I detest the endgame. A well-played game should be practically decided in the middlegame." ~ Dawid JANOWSKI

"In order to improve your game you must study the endgame before everything else; for, whereas the endings can be studied and mastered by themselves, the middlegame and the opening must be studied in relation to the endgame." ~ CAPABLANCA

"Whether this advantage is decisive or not does not interest Capablanca. He simply wins the ending! That's why he is Capablanca!" ~ EUWE

DJCA AGM Friday 15th July 2022

15/7/2022 DJCA Committee Meeting Minutes

Attendees: DR, AA, VC, SK, TO, NB, JCB

No apologies - everyone present

1. Chairman's welcome and report (DR)

Last year - and ongoing - significant risk to adults from COVID, which is unlikely to go away, while waves will likely continue intermittently

              Plan to implement a full schedule of events and training going forwards

              Last year open events low volume - TBGS and Abbey run by TO

2. Treasurer's report (SK)

              >£4k mainly in bank

Opening traps

The first game I ever played in a chess club went like this (I was Black)

[Event "Chess Club"]
[Site "Hereward School, March"]
[Date "1972.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Stacey, Ian"]
[Black "Regis, David"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C20"]
[PlyCount "7"]

1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 $4 
(3...g6) (3...Qf6)
4. Qxf7# 1-0

Oh dear!

OK, I haven't been caught like that since. What should Black do about this?

Devon players score for England

DrDave's picture

News from Mr,Cross:

Over half-term, Devon junior players Caleb Caleshu, Pengxiao Zhu, James Glasson and Joe Forty represented England regional U14 or U12 teams against the equivalent full Wales International teams in Chepstow. Their combined score was 4 out of 8 and they contributed to England winning both matches.

Well done Devon!



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David Regis, 71 Mary Street, Bovey Tracey, Devon TQ13 9HQ  

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