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[Event "rooks on files: open"] [Site "rooks on files: open"] [Date "1907.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Van Vliet"] [Black "Znosko-Borovsky, Eugene"] [Result "*"] [ECO "D00"] [PlyCount "72"] {A game mostly about rooks} 1. d4 d5 2. e3 c5 3. c3 e6 4. Bd3 Nc6 5. f4 {The dangerous Stonewall Attack. Castling quickly would be dangerous for Black.} Nf6 6. Nd2 Qc7 {! Just great. White completely misses the point. Black plans to open the c-file.} 7. Ngf3 {?!} cxd4 $1 8. cxd4 (8. exd4 Qxf4) (8. Nxd4 e5) 8... Nb4 $1 9. Bb1 Bd7 10. a3 Rc8 $1 11. O-O (11. axb4 Qxc1 $15) 11... Bb5 $1 $17 12. Re1 (12. axb4 Bxf1 13. Qxf1 Qxc1 $19) 12... Nc2 13. Bxc2 Qxc2 14. Qxc2 Rxc2 {[#]} 15. h3 Bd6 (15... Ne4 16. Nxe4 dxe4 17. Ng5 f5 (17... Bc6) ( 17... Bd3) 18. Nxe6) 16. Nb1 Ne4 (16... O-O {is safe but pointless!}) 17. Nfd2 Bd3 18. Nxe4 Bxe4 (18... dxe4 $5) 19. Nd2 Kd7 $1 {no need to castle} 20. Nxe4 dxe4 21. Rb1 Rhc8 {Complete control of the c-file.} 22. b4 $2 R8c3 $1 23. Kf1 Kc6 (23... g5 $5) 24. Bb2 Rb3 {[#] The Black Rooks have invaded, making threats from side to side} 25. Re2 Rxe2 26. Kxe2 Kb5 {Black's King arrives quickly, thanks to not castling} 27. Kd2 Ka4 28. Ke2 {[#] Black's pieces are as good as they are going to get.} a5 $1 29. Kf2 (29. bxa5 Bxa3 (29... Kxa5) 30. Bxa3 Rxb1) 29... axb4 30. axb4 Kxb4 31. Ke1 Kb5 $1 {Making space for the Bishop} 32. Kd2 Ba3 $1 33. Kc2 Rxb2+ $1 {Win when you're winning} 34. Rxb2+ Bxb2 35. Kxb2 Kc4 36. Kc2 b5 {0-1 van vliet-znosko-borovsky 1907 (CHERNEV)} *