DJCA Devon Junior Chess Championships 2024-25 ENTRY FORM

1 Start 2 Complete
We can sort out school teams on the day if there are 4/5 of you entering
years old TODAY
Date on last Aug 31
Please add age last Aug 31 then choose one SECTION below


Sorry -- we think you're too old for this event

£15 before Sat 30th Nov 2024; £18 after; late penalty +£5 after Wed 4th Dec 2024
If you don't want to give it, leave as none
If parent/carer will be there on the day, this can be left as is
I give permission for officers of DJCA to save and use the information on this form after this event. See DJCA Privacy Notice N.B. We have to leave this as 'No' by default but please read the note below
N.B. If you leave this option as NO, we will not then be able to inform you about future events or your player may miss invitations to team events. We don't share your contact information with anyone outside DJCA, but we believe you may be inconvenienced if you don't say YES.

Press the SUBMIT button once then wait otherwise we get double entries

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Full Devon Chess Calendar -- adult and junior
