Tactical Themes


 Annihilation of Defensive Barrier/Obliteration/Demolition of Structure

 Clearance/Line Opening

 Decoy/Attraction/Removal of the Guard

 Defensive Combinations



 Discovered Attack

 Double Attack  

 Double Check

 Drawing Combinations


 Greek Gift Sacrifice


 Knight Fork(s)

 Overloaded Defender(s)

 Paralysed Piece(s)

 Pawn Promotion/Pawn Breakthrough

 Perpetual Check


 Queen Sacrifice

England success

DrDave's picture

Exeter School pupil Pengxiao Zhu took part in the EPSCA* U11 team trial in Liverpool last weekend and has been selected for the England team.  He scored 4/6 points, coming joint third in the competition.

*England Primary Schools Chess Association

UK Chess Challenge 2022

DrDave's picture

The event dates and qualification rules for the UK Chess Challenge 2022
have been announced.


The UK Chess Challenge is the largest chess competition in the world,
with (pre-COVID) more than 100,000 children taking part in schools and
elsewhere each year.  There are different stages to the competition:
school, Megafinal, Gigafinal and Terafinal.

TBGS through to National Finals

DrDave's picture

With a 4-2 victory over Taunton School, Torquay Boys' Grammar School have won though to the finals of the National Schools' Chess competition.

Our congratulations to them and our best wishes for the national stage of the event!

Garry Kasparov

Kasparov wasn't just the best chessplayer of his time, he may have been the best of any time. Botvinnik used to say that he was primus inter pares, first among equals, but Kasparov wasn't like that at all. His rating was a long way ahead of his rivals. And he didn't like to win a tournament by doing just enough to win -- he wanted to win a long way ahead of second place. And he didn't just like to win a game -- he wanted to smash his opponents -- and he often did! He worked harder, he knew more opening theory, he put more energy into his games...

Vladmir Kramnik

Kramnik has an unusual skill -- playing apparently simple and effective plans against the most complex modern openings, and against the most dangerous opponents. Here he his showing the value of a central pawn majority against the Grunfeld's staunchest defender:


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